Weekly Head Voices #159: Extreme.
In theory, this edition should cover the period of time from Monday November 19 to today, Wednesday December 19, 2018.
I am very late with this post, because down here we were first busy winding down the year with all of the completion-madness that that entails, and then the vacation started starting.
Weekly Head Voices #158: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
(Note that there’s now a Telegram group that you can join to be kept up to date with these posts. I’m never going to make the A-List, but at least I haz the gimmicks!)
This edition of the weekly (haha) head voices attempts to reflect on the period of time from Monday November 5 to Sunday November 18, 2018.
The following action scene happened exactly halfway through:
You can now also join the special head voices telegram group to stay up to date with this blog!
As an alternative to the email list, I have just setup a telegram group which you could join if you’d like to be kept up to date with posts from this blog via instant messenger!
If all goes according to plan, a notification should be sent to the group automatically whenever I publish a post over here.
P.S. I first did this with IFTTT’s Telegram applet, but its post preview was pretty bad. TheFeedReaderBot seems to do a much better job!
Weekly Head Voices #157: Melodramatic.
It’s Monday evening around 22:31.
The track “Still on Fire” by Trentemøller is making my neurons fire in highly pleasant patterns while I try to gaze back through time at the days from Monday October 22 to Sunday November 4, and to gather my thoughts.
Weekly Head Voices #155: Lush.
Due to being outside so often, I have not been able to make the time to sit down and write to you more regularly over the past weeks.
I did miss you!
Fortunately, I am here now (that was Tuesday, it’s now Friday…) to babble a little bit about my subjective experience of the period of time from Monday September 17 to Sunday October 7. I did bring pictures!
Weekly Head Voices #154: It’s full of flowers!
This was the week from Monday september 10 to Sunday september 16.
Nerd stuff
I fought with VTK renderer window reparenting on three different platforms. Suffice to say that the 2018 is probably also not going to be the year of the Linux desktop.
Weekly Head Voices #153: pH < 7 dreams.
Looking back at the week from Monday September 3 to Sunday September 9, I present to you the following memories and after-effects.
Aphex Twin never left us
I serendipitously ran into T69 Collapse, the brand new track and video by Aphex Twin.
In the grand tradition of WHV intro art, I have embedded the video above.
Whether you’re a fan or not, I think it’s worth sitting through this one, preferably with the headphones and the video in full screen.