The 2024 to 2025 transition post

Welcome to the year 2025!

We are all still waiting for our flying cars, but if you don’t like the indistinguishable-from-human talking AIs you got instead, you can have this traditional yearly transition blog post here to keep you busy in the meantime.

The Seal Point Lighthouse in Cape St. Francis

The Seal Point Lighthouse in Cape St. Francis

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Weekly Head Voices #257: Untitled49.ipynb

This, the 257th edition of the WHV, covers the period of time from Monday November 25 to Sunday December 8, 2024.

The view right from our lunch table at Stellenbosch Reserve, Haskell Vineyard

The view right from our lunch table at Stellenbosch Reserve, Haskell Vineyard

Haskell vineyard has made previous appearances on this blog in WHV #99 in 2015, in WHV #181 in 2019 and perhaps in other posts. I strongly suspect that some of the good friends mentioned there were the same good friends we were so fortunate to spend this Sunday lunch with!

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Weekly Head Voices #255: You lift me up

Figure 1: Het Stadhuis, Delft, taken in August from a quick bicycle trip with my good friend the TPN. Mood: Enchanted. Part of me still lives there.

Figure 1: Het Stadhuis, Delft, taken in August from a quick bicycle trip with my good friend the TPN. Mood: Enchanted. Part of me still lives there.

There is a nerd joke I could make about using a single byte to store the WHV post number, which would explain the long stretch of time between this edition and the previous one in March, itself also lamenting the growing interval between posts, but I’m not going to.

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Hivemind / Proximity: Distributed interactive personal lighting art project at AfrikaBurn 2018

At AfrikaBurn 2018, the South African / Dutch theme camp Burniversity (that’s us!) was again present and active with a range of workshops and other learning experiences.

(Strangely, although I wrote vaguely about our AB 2018 experience on this blog shortly after the event, I did not even mention this electronics project, and now it’s only taken 6 years to get around to the nerdy bits.)

That year, we had perhaps a bit too much energy and decided to design an electronic artwork, inspired by the fun we had in 2017 with a giant bottle of helium, a bag of CR2032 button cell batteries and leds, and another bag full of helium-grade balloons. (In short: On the less windy nights, we would inflate clusters of 4 to 5 balloons with helium, each with a burning led inside, and attach the cluster to a theme camp member. Picture little clouds of illuminated helium balloons floating above their humans as they were roaming over the Binnekring.)

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Weekly Head Voices #254: Ratio

Hello there WHV enjoyers, and welcome back! …ish.

The last official WHV, by name, was WHV #253, published on September 2, 2023, although the 2023 to 2024 transition post certainly deserves its honorary WHV title.

In the meantime, I have been experimenting with the Daily Head Voices / lifelogs, which was fun, but ultimately not sufficiently meaty to fill the WHV vacuum.

We are clearly going through a pretty significant WHV-hiatus.

Although I’m still not sure what the new stable state is going to be, I have some extremely modest plans, and in addition to those I’ve decided to dust off and revive the draft of WHV #254 which was just lying there on my disc since September of last year, all languishing.

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Daily Head Voices for week 9 of 2024

Monday 2024-02-26

  • started the morning (and the work week!) with stupid indecision: Had all my work gear in the car, but chose to drive back home after dropping of GOU#3 for a logistical task which one of my other clan members would gladly have taken care of.
    • Indecision irrelevant against the backdrop: We had such a good time in the car first being on time (GOU#3 loves that), then listening to Skrillex together, then talking, and then performing our morning ritual of verbally attesting our super-infinite love for each other as I drop her off at school.
  • During highly technical demo outside of my domains, used perplexity in real-time to lookup various details as the demo was going on, and thus could focus on the really interesting questions for the presenter.
  • Between meetings, struggled a bit to focus in the focusy bits, but managed to do quite a bit of work eventually (with focusapp and some deep house) and even got milestones done.

Tuesday 2024-02-27

  • Super frustrated during the morning rush, because could not find running shoes at the critical moment when we had to leave for school
    • Reverted to backup shoes (old ones, with too many kilometres on them)
    • Good run in L&Z, but it took so long to disconnect from my shoe moment, in spite of really putting my mind to it. Succeeded a little bit at the end, shocked at the mental cost of something this trivial.
    • BTW, it was almost a textbook “not inside it’s on top!” situation.

Wednesday 2024-02-28

  • For once some Waking Up in the morning! (I once had a streak of more than a year. Currently happy if I do just one!)
  • Started the day in pensive mood (before and after the meditation) thinking about what I would like from the future
    • Naturally I wanted to write a note, so then I tapped out a topic in the daily list so that I could use org-roam-node-find-similar to surface similar notes from the past. I did find the correct historic note which I would not have otherwise, but then I got sucked into emacs config…
    • After extricating myself back out of Emacs config yak shaving, I did spend some quality time writing up my thoughts, helping to clarify them.
      • I don’t know the answer yet, but the direction I’m moving in feels good.
  • Lunch with inner circle friend and mentor DMW at No Way Jose was great thank you!

Thursday 2024-02-29

  • Run at shortly after 7. Legs did not really want to cooperate.
  • Got distracted by meetings day at work, so almost no writing in the daily. Now, [2024-03-10 Sun 18:35], I’m really sorry.

Friday 2024-03-01

  • Pool repair at my house. They are able to pump out all water, repair floor of pool, then pump all water back all in a few hours.
  • I have two ideas for the weekend
    • Build and publish a QRCode contact card generator using marimo and wasm
    • build a telegram bot to manipulate my org-mode database, e.g. adding tasks, searching for existing tasks and notes.
      • I don’t like this second idea, but it keeps on coming back to me.

Saturday 2024-03-02

Sunday 2024-03-03

  • After sunday morning coffee and scrolling, dug into marimo to see if there’s some way to create the WASM locally. There does not seem to be.
  • Scanned through to see (again…) what might be possible.
  • Actually, now I’m thinking about the idea of making a telegram bot that sends me random tasks from my org-mode every day. I already have a proof of concept in Python that uses emacsclient to expose org-roam nodes via API (see ) so I would probably follow a similar path, probably with something like org-ql. Does anyone know if something like this exists somewhere?
    • Apple’s Journal app, that suggests a new journalling possibility now and then, made me think that this could help.
  • In iTerm2, press the Option-Cmd keys together to make a rectangular selection.
  • Sublime lunch at Millhouse Kitchen with inner circle family
  • Back home, tried to get MobileOrg going again; looked promising, but then after successful sync ran into this bug with empty outlines in the app when synced via iCloud. 😥
  • Configured perplexity via gptel in my Emacs; I am especially interested in using perplexity’s sonar-online internet-capable models.

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Daily Head Voices for week 8 of 2024: India Venster

Monday 2024-02-19 to Wednesday 2024-02-21

  • Prepared for and did business trip to Johannesburg with longest time friend FS.
    • Highlight was tripping with FS, and trip was successful to boot.
    • Only one night away, really missed the famjam.
  • Dealing with stomach issues this week, relatively mild but distracting nonetheless.

Thursday 2024-02-22

  • Short run this morning in school district. Not feeling 100%, but good enough for run and conditions perfect.
    • Did run into G-J on Reservoir road and had quick chat, serendipity! Lunch will follow.
  • Stomach getting better, but not yet in a good place.

Friday 2024-02-23

  • Ran into the Kagi sidekick proposal, which made me think about frontend-only search functions for my static websites
  • Spent some cycles today exploring ways to save a tweet so that it can be archived and searched offline
    • If I could just traverse the DOM tree, starting from the <article> or the parent <section>, and also gathering all of the applicable styles, I would be golden
      • Discovered three different paid-for chrome extensions that do exactly this. Small side-hustle idea right there.
    • MarkDownload extension for saving any page as markdown came quite close
    • Dev tools “capture node screenshot” saves to PNG. Would have been great if it could have done the same to PDF.
  • Had a lovely lunch with great colleague from 1999/2000 at Mont Marie in Stellenbosch.
    • Randomly reached out when I heard that he was back in this valley, super grateful for this enjoyable reconnection.
    • Remember, call up your friends!

Saturday 2024-02-24

  • Spent too many hours building a Tampermonkey script with which I can get tweet threads reasonably clean in order to print them
    • First time using Tampermonkey, good tool to have on the belt!
    • Twitter makes this a lot more tricky than it needs to be.
    • Ideally, people would stop using twitter altogether, but for the ML crowd, I still need to go there
  • Perfect dinner at Decameron in Stellenbosch with the family, because we had to take GOU#1 to a party in the region
  • Karpathy proclaims his love for Obsidian, very cool!

Sunday 2024-02-25

  • Thanks to serendipitous serendipity the previous day, took part in an unexpected and epic hike up India Venster with a lifetime friend (first hike together in the 90s!) and a fantastic new friend. Experienced maximal presence. Glorious.

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Daily Head Voices for week 7 of 2024: Rest For Success

Most people in high-stress, decision-making industries are always operating at this kind of simmering six, as opposed to the undulation between just deep relaxation and being at a 10. Being at a 10 is millions of times better than being at a 6. It’s just in a different universe. – Josh Waitzkin (see Sunday below)

Monday 2024-02-12

  • I really enjoyed this Rolling Stone article about Nine Inch Nails’ Head Like a Hole
    • Yes, that’s also a subtle jab at those of you who read last week’s title and did not get the reference. :P
  • Extreme almost asymptotic anger moment at Outlook PWA: Spent time crafting a detailed meeting description. Unrelated meeting notification came in, meeting edit dialog disappears, all of those beautiful words gone. Forever.
  • Accidentally upgraded Emacs to 29.2 (brew upgrade if you must now, and there it went building emacs along with installing all the other smaller dependencies, the ones I actually had in mind)
  • Added ad-hoc similar node search for org-roam-similarity (that links to the new function’s documentation)
    • This means you can also select any text, or just use the whole current buffer as your input, and then get a completing read list of similar nodes to open
  • The area of my forehead around the scar feels like it has substantial nerve drop-out. I can’t feel much there, and I also can’t actuate much. The reconstructive surgeon warned before the time that this might be the case. Thanks again cancer. I’m crossing my fingers that there’s still some recovery that needs to happen and this is not my forehead’s final form.
  • bitbar is now xbar. It looks like xbar can eat RAM
    • I looked this up, because during my previous macOS phase I contributed code to bitbar to support Lua plugins. That work is now gone. Oh well.
  • What a craptastically unproductive day. I had all of the time, and in that time I utterly failed at my selected task. I did some other interesting and possibly valuable stuff, but the majority of the time was wasted.
    • Old lesson on this blog: some days gonna be crap
    • However, responded to this by reviving my old FocusApp licence (see pro-tip #2 in WHV #126) and installed on my machine

Tuesday 2024-02-13

  • First day back at the office. Lots of conversations due to the giant scar criss-crossing over half my forehead.
  • Implemented the new (but very very old) “avoid all social media during work hours except a little bit on your phone during real breaks” rule.
  • Using terminal Emacs for some remote work, because reasons
  • Today was much fun at the office. Also much higher productivity due to above-mentioned no-social-media-goofing-off-rule.

Wednesday 2024-02-14

  • Happy Valentine’s day everyone!
  • Utterly crazy this morning because load-shedding, but due to GOU#3 being so very on time we left at 7:05 and could avoid most of that chaos.
  • 6.5km short run just to get back into it, after 1.5 weeks out thanks to surgery and recovery. Garmin not happy with my fitness, but man it felt good.
  • Went to doctor’s rooms to have stitches removed. Kind and professional nurse left the stitches in the middle, because skin there still needed some time to relax into the new situation. Feels really good to have the others out. Will go back on Friday for the rest.
  • Pro-tip: it was a bit of a change management challenge, but I’ve converted my household to the new shopping list support in Apple Reminders. If you’re an Apple family, this woks much better than a WhatsApp group named “Shopping”. True story.
    • Thanks to said app, remembered to get flowers.
  • FocusApp really did its work today.
  • I’m a tiny little bit bummed that no-one picked up on the Head like a Hole reference from last week’s Daily Head Voices. Or maybe someone did, but they just have not contacted me about it.
    • Hopefully this week’s title does better.
  • SUCH A GOOD DAY today thank you!

Thursday 2024-02-15

  • Pretty busy day with meetings (Thursday is secondary meeting day at work after all), good conversations with colleagues, and an internal product playbook workshop.

Friday 2024-02-16

  • Sublime run in Land & Zeezicht (school district) right after dropping off GOU#3, which also helped to avoid most of the traffic back home, again utterly crazy due to the 6 - 8:30 AM load-shedding slot disabling some critical (for us) traffic lights.
  • Best afternoon ever: Father and daughter picnic with GOU#1 (school event, so many other fathers and daughters) at Zorgvliet Wine Estate
  • In the evening, got my work inbox unread email count to just under 4000. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
  • Spent a bit more time reading about the new and open source Observable Framework
    • I’ve always liked the ObservableJS notebooks, but this new development which supports working locally and self-hosting is really exciting!
    • marimo is very nice for experimentation, but big advantage of OF is that it builds a static site as output. marimo needs Python to be running on the server.
    • Again that idea: How automatically could I push a completely new OF built dashboard to a newly allocated CloudFlare pages site?
    • Tried it out on Sunday evening (IN THE FUTURE): Was really quick to get the intro dashboard going in my case with pnpm, but a big challenge at this moment is the developer experience: There is very little coding assistance of any kind as you work on the javascript code blocks in the markdown pages. Hopefully they will be able to improve this with a vscode extension and/or a web-based editing experience, like marimo.
  • Tried out Thunderbird 115.7 on the macbook.
    • Much better than the TB 115 experience I had just after its release on Windows, where its currently selected mail logic handled it very badly when I archived a mail.
    • I am trying out TB, because I miss the today, yesterday, last week date grouping.

Saturday 2024-02-17

  • Woke up with low body battery (Garmin). Somewhat surprised, because only two beers last night. Perhaps the stress of the arguments, and probably still the alcohol because I’m old now.
  • Wrote some Mojo to see if I could create a Pandas DataFrame and write to disc as Parquet.
    • I love parquet.
    • Although Mojo is still missing some data structures, it was not too involved to use the imported numpy and pandas libraries to do this job.
  • Smoked snoek braai (so good! 🤤) at friend LM’s place with more friends.

Sunday 2024-02-18

  • Super enjoyable 13km run. Not too hot, just a little bit of wind, and enough energy to finish strong.
  • George Mack makes the statement: “There’s no such thing as working too hard. There’s just being under rested.”
    • This might indeed be a controversial statement, but I really like that his advice is to focus on the quality and purity of one’s rest (a very mindful idea), leading to much more energy for intensity 10 work.
    • See his tweet (also embedded below, but please do click on “show more”) for a bunch of interesting examples.
  • Figured out that it’s pretty easy to setup “Smart Mailboxes” on Apple Mail for today, yesterday, last week and so on.
  • Truly sublime lunch with family at Stables on Vergelegen wine estate.