In this post, I explain how to get up and running with Emacs Orgmode habits. Even if you’re not planning to use Emacs for this, it might be interesting context for the development of other ideas for habit tracking tricks and tools. The importance of habits. If you have some experience being, you know, alive, and perhaps even trying to get just that little bit better at it every day, you will have realised by now that being able to form and maintain good habits is almost a super power.
Weekly Head Voices #181: The Slow Ones.
Welcome back everyone! This edition of the WHV, #181, looks back at the period of time from Monday October 7 to Sunday October 13, 2019. Compulsory running shot: Looking at Gordon's Bay from the Strand. This was on Thursday. I squeezed in another short run on Friday, which my legs definitely did not appreciate. Note to self: Laziness earlier in the week leads to skipped rest days and sore legs later.
Weekly Head Voices #180: EnsembleYou and The Describers.
Dear friends, Welcome to this, the 180th edition of the Weekly Head Voices, in which I perform retrospection on the week from Monday September 30 to Sunday October 6, 2019. To be more specific, this is mostly indirect retrospection, meaning that I think about and attempt to describe the thoughts I had about topics and events that might or might not have occurred in the period of time that this post is ostensibly looking back on.
Weekly Head Voices #179: Direct Experience Trigonometry.
(WARNING: not your typical WHV post ahead. CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK.) In this, the 179th edition of the WHV, I look back at the week from Monday, September 24 to Sunday, September 29, 2019. We spent slightly more than half of this time on vacation in the Cederberg mountains. This Cederberg mountains frame and support a truly beautiful place, with as one of its many additional features the fact that mobile phone reception and other forms of modern digital communication have not managed to penetrate all that much.
Weekly Head Voices #178: Parallel world.
GOU#2, age 9, painted this unicorn for all of us. Sometimes you need more unicorn in your life, especially when you’ve reviewed photos for the past two weeks and came up with nothing and you start doubting everything. Now I believe! This edition of the WHV looks back at the two weeks from Monday September 9 to Sunday September 22, 2019. Miscellaneous bits. I was finally able to finish and publish a fairly extensive blog post documenting my current personal knowledge management strategy.
Note-taking strategy 2019.
At the start of 2016, I published an overview of my note-taking strategy then. In the intervening three and a half years, my note-taking has further evolved to adapt to my changing environment, and the underlying “system” has co-evolved to support this. Although note-taking is at the core of the system, a more accurate description of its current purpose would be personal knowledge management. What you’ll also find in this post, is the culmination of many years of lessons learned trying to “keep a lab journal”.
Weekly Head Voices #177: Streakers.
A piece of the Lourensriver, captured for you during a particularly challenging post-Sunday-lunch run. This edition of the WHV looks back at the two weeks from Monday August 26 to Sunday September 8, 2019. On friendship, 25 years later. The birthday mentioned previously, along with the portentous visit of a good friend from afar, led to at least two small celebrations (that I know of) with a bunch of us that have been friends for more than 25 years now.
Weekly Head Voices #176: Cycle of life.
Oh hai there friends. Alles komt tot een einde. This WHV covers the weeks from Monday July 29 to Sunday August 25. This period had more than its fair share of lows and highs. Loss. On Saturday, August 3 we lost one of our clan mothers, quite unexpectedly. It’s hard to find the words to describe the sudden emptiness left behind by a loved one. It was a painful reminder of how much of our experience, and of our selves, are built upon our bonds with those around us.
Weekly Head Voices #175: Plaintext me.
Good evening fellow humans. This is Head Voice #37 reporting for duty. I have been instructed to perform retrospection on the period of time from Monday July 22 to Sunday July 28. Due to the ongoing hibernation and consequent lack of interesting events to talk about, this should be short. This delectable Fred & Max Flat White was one of a quite few more enjoyed during life-affirming breakfast with a Very Flat Cat.
Weekly Head Voices #174: Row row row your boat.
The view through one of the old windows of Cucina di Giovanni in Paarl on a brilliant winter afternoon. The symbolism of this will hopefully shine through soon. Hello friends. Although these Weekly Head Voices look back at the week from Monday July 15 to Sunday July 21, it is already Wednesday, July 24, as I write this. As is usually the case this time of the year, I access the below visualization perhaps a tad too often: