Figure 1: A view from a run with GOU#1 in Mount Ceder. Welcome, dear readers, to the 206th edition of the Weekly Head Voices, covering the two weeks from Monday September 21 to Sunday October 4, 2020. Mount Ceder beauty The weather prediction for the September 25 long weekend did not look good at all. Temperatures in the low single digits, and rain. We were unable to reschedule our reservation, and so, with significant trepidation, we packed our things for the weekend and made the drive to Mount Ceder.
Weekly Head Voices #205: Real-time sometimes, asynchronous most of the time
This edition of the Weekly Head Voices looks back a the week from Monday September 14 to Sunday September 20 of the year 2020. Figure 1: Scene from a work get-together. It’s really nice when you can get into these mountains any day of the week! For the first time in months, this post is exactly on time. Whatever else happens in the rest of the post, timeousness is in the pocket!
Weekly Head Voices #204: What is your purpose?
Welcome back here folks, to the 204th edition of the Weekly Head Voices, examining a sample of life from Monday September 7 to Sunday September 13, 2020. Summer is starting to make an appearance down here, albeit with a bit more subtlety, some would say difficulty, than usual. Fortunately, the week in question offered plenty of opportunities for being outside, opportunities that some of us made grateful use of. Figure 1: Random scene from a lunch at Guardian Peak with one of my most long-time friends who as a bonus is also brilliant company.
Weekly Head Voices #203: Spiritual
Figure 1: A tiny bit of Jonkershoek’s beauty, thanks to Wim’s magic. Dear friends, It brings me joy to meet you here again. Due to an unintentionally longer than normal blog hiatus, this edition will attempt to cover a substantial amount of temporal ground from Monday August 10 to Sunday September 6, 2020. If I were in your shoes, I would hop skip and jump selectively over the hopefully not too unhelpfully titled headings.
Weekly Head Voices #202: I don't even have to miss Dr Topol!
Welcome everyone to this, the two hundred and second edition of the Weekly Head Voices, looking back at the two weeks from Monday July 27 to Sunday August 9 of the year of our simulation-running overlords 2020. Figure 1: Photo of multiple instances of an important local flower, taken by GOU #1. Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters After it having spent a few quality months in my to-do list, I finally got around to reading the Shape Up book by Ryan Singer.
Weekly Head Voices #201: Sunny anniversary
I could feel this one almost slipping through to the two week group, but then I thought to myself: It feels like I have nothing to write about, but future me will probably still want to know what sort of nothing exactly happened in that week. The 201st edition of the Weekly Head Voices looks back at the week from Moday July 20 to Sunday July 26, 2020, which since last week I’m calling Cray-cray 20.
Weekly Head Voices #200: We are extremely pleased to be here
Figure 1: A rainbow over Betty’s Bay, captured by GOU#1. Well hello there everyone, and welcome to this, the 200th edition of the Weekly Head Voices. While I am super happy that we’ve reached this number of episodes, I don’t have anything special planned, besides being festively two weeks late. Being that late also means that this post looks back at the three weeks from Monday June 29 to Sunday July 19 of the year 2020, also known as Cray-cray 20.
Weekly Head Voices #199: I have to be a bit stubborn
Figure 1: A truly magical scene captured on a mountain walk by my inner circle peeps. Dear friends, I looked through my notes of the two weeks from Monday June 15 to Sunday June 28, 2020, and found almost nothing but work, work, and then, in a dusty, dark corner right at the bottom of my Emacs… more work. A totally unexpected ramble on cycles, patterns and teleportation Life seems to consist of the superposition of so many cycles over so many domains, each at a different frequency and phase.
Weekly Head Voices #198: A short update for future me
Figure 1: Evening walk with the fam-jam up a familiar mountain route after a failed attempt at finding the start of a far more spectacular but unfamiliar route. I was planning to skip a week, because a whole blog post about the work that has been filling my days is really no fun at all. However, after a good night’s sleep, my mind changed itself, as it is wont to do, and in the morning gave the advice that future me would in fact be quite interested to look back into these times.
Weekly Head Voices #197: How to ship side-projects
Hello friends! Weekly Head Voices #197 looks back at the week from Monday June 1 to Sunday June 7. Figure 1: Weekend morning runs are generally great, but this Saturday morning run was particularly perfect. Work-work is quite high intensity at the moment. I really would not mind a bit of respite any time soon now. In the meantime, let me look back, and by the crazy laws of metaphysics also inwards, at the previous week: