I don’t like Graffiti 2

I bought my Tungsten E last year (2003) in October. This is a perfect little gadget and is still serving me well… however, Graffiti 2 really, REALLY sucks. Maybe the years of Graffiti 1 on my previous Palm IIIx are holding me back, but I just couldn’t get used to the new multi-stroke characters. Yech.

Today I finally gave in and downgraded to Graffiti 1 according to the included instructions and with the PRCs in this zip-archive. Bliss!

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Thunderbird on Linux and URLs

It seems Mozilla Thunderbird (GREAT mail client, BTW) seems to download and open the downloaded HTML file when you click on a URL in an email. This is usually not what I want… so:

  1. Exit Thunderbird if it’s running.

  2. Edit your prefs.js (usually in ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/default/random_characters/prefs.js

  3. Add this line: user_pref(“network.protocol-handler.app.http”, “/usr/bin/mozilla-firefox”);

  4. Save (DOH)

Obviously, if you don’t have an intelligent mozilla-firefox script in /usr/bin that is able to make use of a running instance of firefox, you might have to use the mozilla-firefox-xremote-client or somesuch. Perhaps you even prefer to use another browser… heaven forbid!

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Washington Post Style Invitational 2004

Each year the Washington Post’s Style Invitational asks readers to pick a word from the dictionary, to add, remove or change a single letter and then to submit a suitable new definition. Below are this year’s winners. Brilliant!

Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realise it was your money to start with.

Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

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Care and feeding of your Lithium-Ion batteries

Yes, I am exceedingly happy with my laptop. More about this later.

In the meanwhile, read this for the low-down on the care and feeding of your Lithium-Ion batteries (in most modern laptops). In short: partial charging is better than fully discharging and recharging, although a full discharge-recharge cycle every once in a while is good for calibrating the digital fuel gauge. Lithium-Ion batteries hate high temperature, especially the temperature in your laptop. If you’re going to be running on wall power for a while, remove the battery. Ideally, store it in a cool place at between 30% and 50% charge.

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Laptop No. 2

Once again, I’ve succumbed to my inner laptop-fanboy and ordered a new laptop. The previous one is now two years old and thoroughly out of date. Add to that its 3.7kg weight (on a good day) and its battery life which is somewhere between 1 and 1.5 hours (on that same good day), and it’s obvious that it’s time for a new one. Or so I rationalise, at least.

After months of searching and researching, I settled on the HP NC6000. See the ZDNet review and the Ars Technica review. It’s a goodie. Especially pay attention to the 5 hours and 42 minutes battery life under MobileMark 2002 productivity load (i.e. running Office, Mozilla, Virus scanner, Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Flash and doing stuff the whole time) and the more than luggable 2.3kg. To make it all that much sweeter, HP decided to equip it with an ATI Radeon Mobility 9600: that means I’ll be able to play around with those neato shader thingies.

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DeVIDE routing

Because I am supposed to be writing my thesis, the WAB-side has been calling very insistently. Well, every so often, it’s just too much and I have to WAB for an hour or two. A great place to WAB is my baby^H^H^H^Hsoftware, called DeVIDE, which is a kind of a thingy with which you can do visualisation and image processing thingies easily. That is, if it doesn’t crash. Oh wait, it never crashes. *cough*

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My laptop does not exist yet

I’ve determined exactly what I want in a laptop (he he he).

It shouldd weigh 2kg or less, it should sport a battery life of 3.5 hours at the very least, its processor should perform at at least the level of a 1.5GHz Banias, it should have a 5400 RPM, or faster, hard drive (in any case no Toshiba, thank you very much, they’re dog slow, even the ones with 16MB cache), the 3D graphics should support pixel and vertex shaders and should rack up at least 7000 on 3D Mark 2001, it should have at least 512MB ram at at least 333MHz DDR and the screen can be anything from 12″ to 15″.

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