Uptime schmuptime

My trusty home firewall is getting a new kernel, because I need CONFIG_FILTER for the dhcp server and in my case it’s not modularised. This means I’ll lose this very respectable uptime:

monster:~# uptime
23:00:07 up 142 days, 22:00,  2 users,  load average: 1.09, 0.81, 0.39<br/>


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Read this, especially the tips at the end. I find it shocking that this is considered normal and I hope that these criminal idiots all die horribly painful and undignified deaths.

This has been said often enough, but criminality is one of the major factors preventing SA from becoming paradise on earth.

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My New Addiction

Yesterday, a group of us went to a gaming and gaming history exhibition in Tilburg. It was marvellous to see (and play) all the games I wasted my time (and 20 ZA-cent coins) on as an arcade-frequenting dude. They even had an old Sinclair Spectrum 48K on exhibit… this is the computer I grew up on.

In anycase, amongst one of the 120 games that you could also play, Paul introduced me to Bust-A-Move 4 on the Sega Dreamcast.

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Python IDE wanted, good, cheap and fast. :)

When editing Python text, I usually use emacs on Linux and XEmacs on Windows. However, I would love a cross-platform Python development environment in the style of Visual Slickedit or similar. It should have code-completion (for the umpteenth time, dabbrev in emacs is NOT code-completion!), it should show calltips (incorporating the relevant docstrings) when I’m instantiating objects or calling functions and it should have some kind of graphical object browser. It’s syntax highlighting and auto-indentation should be at least as good as that of emacs. Emacs has caught numerous programming errors before they even happened due to its auto-indentation.

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Crash Different

MijKopThee, a popular Dutch blog, has a link to this cool clip of very, err, enthusiastic Mac user. Be warned, it needs a Windows Media 9 codec. Doh.

For your reference, I like Macs. *pet pet*1

1 I’m petting my virtual Mac.

Update September 13, 2010: Charlette reported in the comments below that the clip linked to above has disappeared. Some searching seems to indicate that the below Youtube clip is the same:

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