Livejournal blog imported

Because I could, I went and exported all posts and comments from my old Livejournal blog (it was still alive!) with ljarchive and imported everything into this here shiny new weblog. If you’re into that type of thing, you can now go back as far as May 2001, or read this post about the BRAND SPANKING NEW Mozilla 0.9.9 release (by a very naive idealist open source standards zealot), or even this gem lamenting the supernatural amounts of rain in NL!

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vtkFlRenderWindowInteractor is a VTK class (actually FLTK too, but it helps to think of it as VTK) that enables VTK to render to and interact with your FLTK application. It is based on code by David Pont (the code was then called FlvtkInteractorWindow) which in its turn was partly based on the wxVTK code by David D. Marshall and Brian Todd. I reworked the code extensively to be simpler, more robust and bug-free(tm). It should always be available from .

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Halleluja, internet!

Four days ahead of time, the ADSL has been activated at my new house. I’ve been migrated to a different network operator (I used to be on the Tiscali network, now on BBNed) and the line has been “opened”. Distance to the exchange seems to have quite an effect, I’m connected at 5472 kbps downstream and 928 kbps upstream. According to, I’m 1.6km from the exchange. A rough calculation on my downstream attenuation of 46db, yields an estimated distance of 3.3km. I’ll sort this out later to make sure that it’s just the distance working me over, and not some misconfiguration somewhere.

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NOTE: All the linux machines that I work with are still running Debian Stable (aka Woody aka Linux 1958) and im2avi happily works on these machines. Some users have reported getting it to run on newer machines, some users have reported not being able to. At some stage, I’ll spend some time on a newer Linux distribution and update everything to run out of the box on such machines. Until then, you are primarily on your own.

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envedit is a Windows Environment Editor. Use it to edit / set all your user and system environment variables, such as the PATH. I made this tool as the built-in Windows editor (Start | Control Panel | System | Advanced | Environment Variables) is definitely one of the worst user interface examples ever created.

envedit is different from other environment editor tools in that it offers two free-form edit windows. Changes to the complete text will be parsed and applied to the Windows environment keys in the registry. See the screenshot below:

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Internet at the new house

One of the complications of moving is that one’s internet connection can take its sweet time to catch up with one’s new location. For the past two weeks, I’ve been living off 64kbit/s capped UMTS (i.e. shit-slow mobile internet) at the new place. It looks like I might be rescued in another week or so by my old and generous link!

Marvel at the glory of my ADSL order status:

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Oh brother!

Oh joyful day, it turns out my favourite younger brother has a weblog. He’s been very clever and hidden it behind all kinds of noms de plume and other mysterious things so that he can blab about whatever he wants without fear of damaging his good professional name. That is, once he manages to build up a good professional name.

Geez, I crack myself up.

In anycase, go to The Curtain to read all about what floats my little brother’s boat (as well as his friends’ boats, as far as I can see). As far as I can surmise, it’s mostly about sex, drugs and fast cars so far. Just my cup of tea, let’s see if I can score a poster account to do my part on the rock-‘n-roll bits.

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DeVIDE finally on MacOS-X

The entirely too resourceful Michael Scarpa managed to get DeVIDE running on the Mac!! See the screenshot below (click to enlarge).

In related news, I’m working on a script that should be able to download, configure and build a complete DeVIDE development environment from scratch (including Python 2.5, wxPython 2.6, VTK, ITK, and the kitchen sink). More on this later.

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Exporting Visio 2003 illustrations to EPS

If you’re interested in the final, working solution, skip to the end of this post (the part where it says “UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE” :).

You’ve made your award-winning illustration in Visio 2003, and now you’d like to include it in your award-winning LaTeX proposal. You find this page with tips, but you’ve also discovered that none of them work for you, or that you don’t have the necessary software, or that they half-work in a very frustrating fashion (this was the case for me with visio -> emf -> openoffice draw -> eps and borked transparencies).

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