I just went through my notes.
As far as I can see now, the week from Monday April 8 to Sunday April 14 2019, although otherwise quite solid in terms of productivity and of The Important Stuff(tm), did not fare too well on the blog-worthiness scale.
My friend showed me a photo and said “Here’s a picture of me when I was younger”. Every picture is of you when you were younger. – Mitch Hedberg (RIP)
(I initially posted this blog with an incorrect slug, so I had no choice but to re-publish with the correct slug and URL. It is possible that you receive the email notification twice. I am really sorry about this! P.S. Yes, it’s a dirtly little secret of the blogging industry that slugs are involved.)
Oh hi there friends, from this brand new and quite shiny Hugo blogging setup!
It sounds a bit more involved than it turned out to be, but I have a thing for posts titled “Moving M years of K from Y to Z”.
As can be seen in the history page or rather the first weblog entry dated 2001-02-27, this blog has been around for more than 18 years.
It started as some CGI script, then spent some time as a LiveJournal, then, thanks to meeting Professor Biella Coleman who was at that point still a grad student, went through a Movable Type phase and then, at some point, converted to Wordpress.
Amazing view from a rather precariously installed bench on the hills above Morgan Bay.
In this, the 166th edition of the WHV, I attempt to peer back at the two weeks from Sunday March 11 to Sunday March 24, 2019.
If you like, you may imagine that this looks like somewhat like the photo above, although the photo above was in fact just me peering out over the sea, while I generally just sit hunched over some form of keyboard when writing these posts.
This short WHV looks back at the week from Monday March 4 to Sunday March 10.
In the week after that, I had actually decided not to publish this one, instead folding whatever I wanted to say into the next edition.
However, fear of yet another much-too-long WHV, along with my current preference for a short warming-up of the writing pipes, have led me to change my mind, and so here we are!
Pre-work not-too-shabby running route.
Welcome back friends! This WHV looks back at the two weeks from Monday February 18 to Sunday March 3, 2019. I was planning to release the edition of the WHV on time, but my need for a break was greater.
Because I’ve given up on ever mastering the art of the bullet-list form of the weekly(ish) status update, I am going to double-down on the old-fashioned sectioned prose form that you see before you.
The view from a Sunday run in Onrus.
This WHV looks back at the week stretching from Monday February 11 to Sunday February 17, 2019.
I would like to share the following life bits with you:
I converted our one telemedicine product from virtualenv and requirements files to pipenv. Much has been said about pipenv, also in various dramatic contexts, but there is not much competition when it comes to reproducible builds of Python applications.
This edition of the WHV looks back at the week from Monday February 4 to Sunday February 10, 2019.
It feels like this post took even longer than usual to get “done”. I think it might have to do with me breaking it up into several early morning writing sessions, which resulted in two partially formed blog posts compressing themselves quite inelegantly into this edition.
I will try to do better next time.
Welcome to the one hundred and sixty first edition of the Weekly Head Voices, looking back at the week from Sunday January 27 to Sunday February 3, 2018.
I am writing this draft in a markdown file, using good old Emacs, during an early morning session (more about that later), because I am still not really loving the Gutenberg block-based editor experience in WordPress 5.0.
Today, I have three stories: