w3m rules! The sweetest little text-mode browser. See slashdot and the ecfh homepage as rendered by w3m in an xterm with anti-aliased font support.
w3m rules! The sweetest little text-mode browser. See slashdot and the ecfh homepage as rendered by w3m in an xterm with anti-aliased font support.
One day, we’ll have a usable browser. Opera is fine, but the new b7 release for linux crashes a tad too often. It seems after all that mozilla, in spite of being HUGE, is the best we have. Actually, with the price of RAM at the moment, it’s not that bad a browser choice.
This weekend was a social occasion of note (yes, geeks have these too). PhotoPoint, where I used to keep all my photos, has decided to start charging for their services. It’s a really good service, but in this case I scripted something in python and sh which serves my purposes quite well. This also happened during the weekend (only geeks may do this type of thing during social occasions of note).
Wheeeeeeee! The plugin system now has double the hair-raising ability. It does all kinds of cute things with plugin dependencies and object pools.
Tomorrow (and Saturday) we’re having demos. That means no work will get done, especially since my workstation is going to be part of the frikking demonstration.
I’ve been busy, very busy. You can download an anti-aliasing patch for XJed by clicking here and you can get an idea of what XJed looks like with anti-aliased font-rendering here.
Otherwise, the meetings just never stop. Fortunately they are interspersed with very interesting colloquia. Still, the net result of all this meeting and listening is that RealWork(tm) has to wait…
I almost bought an Olympus C990Z (US: D490Z) yesterday, but the stupid shop didn’t have any in stock and I didn’t feel like haggling about the display model. This seems like a very solid 2MP camera and if reviews can be believed, its only con is that it doesn’t have USB. At the moment it’s between this and the KODAK DC3400, which also seems like a good buy and is even a bit cheaper than the Olympus.
We went to Cascades Japanese restaurant in the Hague last night. The food was absolutely divine and we’ll definitely go there again in the future.
Yummy Sunday. One whole day of sitting around and playing with stuff. It seems my brain was working behind my back, because the one really convoluted paper I had to review suddenly became very understandable, in spite of the authors’ insistence on making everything as difficult as mathematically possible.
My pet project is slowly taking shape. Fortunately, with all that open source around, it’s going much faster than it would’ve otherwise. Obviously, if I even half-finish it, it’ll be open source too. Maybe one or two crazy people will find it useful.
Yaaaay, my first weblog entry. Today I spent most of my time researching fast-marching methods (which I now more or less fully grasp) and level-set methods (which are related to fast-marching methods, but somewhat more involved, and thus these are taking me a bit longer to assimilate). Eventually, I’ll be juggling around a few hyper-surfaces to see how these methods fare on some of my more hairy data.