Weekly Head Voices #250: Durable, blissful contentment

This, the quarter-thousandth edition of the Weekly Head Voices, covers two weeks from Monday November 21 to Sunday December 4, 2022.

Figure 1: The sunset colours in Betty’s were beautiful that day.

Figure 1: The sunset colours in Betty’s were beautiful that day.

I am happy that my ever-evolving life philosophy (as well as my approach to health and wellness) includes a growing section on the importance of hard and challenging work with great colleagues, because these past few weeks have really been delivering in that respect.

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Weekly Head Voices #248: Oh snap

Welcome back everyone to this completely normal and of course utterly on-time edition of the WHV which spans (checks notes…) the one (1) week from Monday October 31 to Sunday November 6, 2022.

Figure 1: Watsonia posing in front of mountain. Photo by partner.

Figure 1: Watsonia posing in front of mountain. Photo by partner.

(Yes, I am a little bit excited that for once this post is technically on time enough to cover only that one week. Of course what’s in the post does not necessarily have to do anything with the events that transpired in that week, but we won’t let that keep us from this little punctuality celebration.)

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Weekly Head Voices #243: Part-time role-model

Welcome back friends, welcome back me!

This WHV covers the multiple weeks from Monday May 23 to Sunday June 19, 2022.

It is this late, because it has been super busy at work (and at home), and by the time that I get any sort of opportunity to write, I am often too tired to focus.

I hope to say something about that a bit further down.

Whatever the case may be, I am happy to be here now, focusing on this post draft right here.

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