Weekly Head Voices #201: Sunny anniversary

I could feel this one almost slipping through to the two week group, but then I thought to myself: It feels like I have nothing to write about, but future me will probably still want to know what sort of nothing exactly happened in that week.

The 201st edition of the Weekly Head Voices looks back at the week from Moday July 20 to Sunday July 26, 2020, which since last week I’m calling Cray-cray 20.

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Drop-in replacement for Hugo figure shortcode with responsive img srcset

When I moved this blog over to Hugo slightly more than a year ago, I started using Laura Kalbag’s special img shortcode with img srcset support.

To make a long and interesting story short, srcset enables us to tell the browser that we have for example 5 different resolutions of an image available, and that it should choose the best one based on the user’s device.

Pretty neat actually!

Anyways, I tweaked the code a bit over time, and most recently I combined it with the stock Hugo figure shortcode.

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