Weekly Head Voices #210: MiniBurn 2020

Welcome back to the WHV blogging clubhouse, gang!

Somewhat inspired by Descartes, I can say with a fair amount of confidence that you are now reading these words, and for that I am grateful.

This post covers the weeks from Monday, November 9 to Sunday, November 22 of the year 2020.

papercite_static: put some bibtex into your Hugo

After languishing for almost a year on my todo list, I finally got around to cleaning up and making available my Python script for embedding your BiBTeX bibliographies in your markdown files.

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Weekly Head Voices #207: Kogelberg

The 207th edition of the Weekly Head Voices, which in theory should cover the week from Monday October 5 to Sunday October 11, 2020, is in fact only here to remind future me of that time when I took the Thursday October 8 off from work to go run the Kogelberg Trail with friends PK, TvD and EW.

(Ok, well maybe there is also a backyard philosophy thing hidden at the end of the post…)

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Weekly Head Voices #204: What is your purpose?

Welcome back here folks, to the 204th edition of the Weekly Head Voices, examining a sample of life from Monday September 7 to Sunday September 13, 2020.

Summer is starting to make an appearance down here, albeit with a bit more subtlety, some would say difficulty, than usual.

Fortunately, the week in question offered plenty of opportunities for being outside, opportunities that some of us made grateful use of.

Figure 1: Random scene from a lunch at Guardian Peak with one of my most long-time friends who as a bonus is also brilliant company. What you see is the result of three iPhone photos stitched together with Microsoft Research’s Image Composite Editor, and the power of math.

Figure 1: Random scene from a lunch at Guardian Peak with one of my most long-time friends who as a bonus is also brilliant company. What you see is the result of three iPhone photos stitched together with Microsoft Research’s Image Composite Editor, and the power of math.

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Weekly Head Voices #201: Sunny anniversary

I could feel this one almost slipping through to the two week group, but then I thought to myself: It feels like I have nothing to write about, but future me will probably still want to know what sort of nothing exactly happened in that week.

The 201st edition of the Weekly Head Voices looks back at the week from Moday July 20 to Sunday July 26, 2020, which since last week I’m calling Cray-cray 20.

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