Daily Head Voices for week 2 of 2024

Inspired by the impressive power (and philosophy) of One Punch Man’s Consecutive Normal Punches, I present: A Series of Consecutive Normal Daily Head Voices!

Monday 2024-01-08

  • First day back at work 😱
  • … but the most lovely lunch run (not literally) and chat with colleague E.
  • Single cable life at work is there, but it’s complicated: Thunderbolt3 cable from macbook to Thinkpad dock, dock thunderbolt3 to displayport-mini (adapter), displayport-mini to displayport to monitor.
  • Had blood drawn for my quarterly PSA test. (prostate-specific antigen; regular test to check that prostate cancer stays gone)
  • Double Commander (currently at 1.1.8) on macOS is even better than I remember it, and is only a brew install --cask double-commander away.

Tuesday 2024-01-09

  • marimo looks really good! From the github: a reactive notebook for Python. It allows you to rapidly experiment with data and models, code with confidence in your notebook’s correctness, and productionize notebooks as pipelines or interactive web apps. I still have to play with it, but it sounds like an Observable for Python.

Wednesday 2024-01-10

Thursday 2024-01-11

Friday 2024-01-12

  • Short week-day run, no hip issues!
  • Very nice focused day at home: First half wrapping up a code review. Second half diving back into d3.js. So much old memories I have to unearth.
  • In between hacked in an idle mode for org-roam-similarity, in the process discovered that on this M1 Pro, CPU is much faster (2x) and uses much less RAM than the hardware accelerated PyTorch MPS version
  • Lovely weekend-starter braai with family.
  • Ran into the final sections (and private comments the source org file) of WHV #208 – besides the nostalgic music bits, really enjoyed reading some of the older journals. Publish or not, strong motivation to keep on writing journals. (now-you is often a very different person than then-you. interesting to keep in touch!)

Saturday 2024-01-13

  • one of the highlights of the day was phone-call by and substantial conversation with bestie PK
  • rest of day quite laid-back with the whole family, which was great
  • thinking a lot about stefanv’s week planner instead of day planner, and the implications of this seemingly reduced planning effort (my daily planning is mostly only theoretical)
  • greater family braai (GFB)

Sunday 2024-01-14

  • Overslept a bit, woke up at 9 AM. This has not happened in ages.
  • Slightly longer weekend run at 10 with new running hat and SPF50 on me face and neck. Hip issue did not manifest, am touching wood!
  • Because I’ve been thinking about more visual ways to plan my week, worked on org-roam-canvas, making it a whole lot faster.
