Daily Head Voices on Sunday 2024-01-07

  • Last day of my vacation. 🥹
  • Accompanied GOU#1 to the gym so that I could test out their assault bikes
    • Did a 42 minute interval-ish workout on the thing. Can get heart-rate up and keep it there quite easily. Intervals do feel quite harsh, and so I spent more time just pedalling harder than rest in the “rest” periods instead.
      • The assault bike saddles are garbarge.
      • Will probably go back for another airbike session or two to see if / how much it grows on me.
    • Spent the last 30 minutes quite enjoyably running on a “normal” treadmill after failing to get the motorless (self-powered) treadmill under control. It was either going to fast or too slow for me.
      • … hip niggle started to make an appearance by the end, but only subtly so.
  • After getting wlziipsrv built as part of an arm64 docker image, decided to cancel the project (for now…) of porting all of my websites (static, wordpress, more stuff) from the Hetzner CX21 (2 Intel vCores, 4GB RAM, 40GB + 50GB extra) to the CAX21 (4 ARM64 cores, 8GB RAM, 80GB disk) as a neatly dockerized configuration. I pushed my image to dockerhub in case someone else finds its useful: https://hub.docker.com/r/cpbotha/supervisor-wlziipsrv
  • Discovered that karabiner, a tool I used in the past to work around JetBrains shortcuts getting confused with Dvorak, fixes both of my current § vs ` (and ~) button swapping (bug in macOS 17.2) and non-working-ctrl-in-rdp-to-windows issues on macOS!
  • Sublime post-dinner sunset walk with GOU#1 and GOU#2 ❤️