Seven years ago, a wise man gave the following advice on this blog:
There are two rules to success in life:
Rule 1: Don’t tell people everything you know.
At that stage, twitter did not exist yet (the first tweet would only be made on March 21, 2006), so the clearly visionary post author had the habit of writing short, tweet-like blog posts. Because times have changed (my posts are slightly longer than 140 characters these days), but the advice is still sound, I’m repeating it here.
Also on the topic of success, he most significant event of the past week must be Clinical Graphics, represented by its CEO Dr. Peter Krekel, winning the prestigious Philips Innovation Award (PHIA) 2011. See below for a video of the announcement, the real action starts at 3:50 (you can even hear me shouting):
It was absolutely awesome being there to witness this grand event. Clinical Graphics won this for the largest part due to its innovative product, but the company was also evaluated, by a jury consisting of Extremely Experienced and Probably Very Rich Entrepreneurs and High-Powered Managers, based on its full business plan and potential. I am of course also fantastically proud of my good friend Dr. Krekel, having coincidentally had the privilege to act as his academic advisor throughout his master’s and his Ph.D., and now as scientific advisor to Clinical Graphics. Watch this company, do buy their stuff or get the people you know to buy more of their stuff!
By the way, I got to take a 20 minute ride on the AquaLiner (I WAS ON A BOAT!) from the Willemskade in Rotterdam (where I took the photo below) through the Rotterdam harbour (it’s frikking awesome) to the RDM campus where the PHIA finals were held:
Erasmus Bridge and surroundings taken before boarding the AquaLiner to the PHIA 2011 finals at the RDM campus.
In other less momentous news, I’ve actually written three blog posts today:
- This one.
- A post on my ultra-nerd blog VxLabs dealing with a number of annoyances and their work-arounds in the latest Ubuntu release, version 11.04, aka The Natty Narwhal (eeuw).
So that’s it for now kids! Let’s focus on GREAT SUCCESS this week, ok? Whilst you’re pondering how to get started doing this, you could do worse than watching this video of a dude lip-syncing the 50 worst video game voices, in quite entertaining and hence probably successful, fashion: